Pit Barrel Firing 


An experimental woodfiring pit kiln, dug into the earth with oil drums as formers. Solo firing for 17 hours, reaching top temperatures of roughly 1200°C. The work fired was white stoneware coated in glazes made of hand-ground and burnt materials from the local area of Galloway, Scotland. These included, granite (feldspar, quartz and mica), Basalt, Ash ash, Pine ash and seaweed ash, with additions of iron oxide and yellow ochre. The structure of the kiln collapsed at the peak of the firing due to the intensity of the heat, melting the metal barrells. This resulted in some molten additions to pots, buried delicate pieces, and pots glazed by the ash circulation in the firing itself. The first solo wood-firing by the artist producing successful and unexpected results from the rubble. 

Using naturally occuring and recycled materials to vitrify clay. Developing from prevoius research and experimentations with prehistoric pit-firing techniques. 


Email: lorna.phillips1708@gmail.com
Phone: +44 7775808202
Instagram: lorna_.phillips

Lorna Phillips is an emerging artist, graduated in Sculpture from Edinburgh College of Art.
Based in Leadhills, Scotland. Working primarily with the material of clay.

© Lorna Phillips 2023